Superconcentraat uit varkensmest

Super concentrated extract from pig manure

At Vlako, a manure processor in Overloon, they have succeeded in doubling their mineral extract from pig manure through membrane distillation. Since 2021 Vlako started a trail to thicken their mineral extract to focus....


Activist, idealist, cross-thinker and supporter of Gunter Pauli's Blue Economy; Sandra Baan, CEO of IBI² in Venlo, is all of the above. From her perspective, the designer world is selling a lot of rubbish. According to Sandra, biomimicry plays an essential...
High Potentials

High Potentials

Studying in a neighboring country and gaining practical experience is very valuable. Director Sandra Baan of Venlo-based IBI² notices this when she supervises German students in the Netherlands...
Linkse Rakker – Cees de Gelder

Left-winger - Cees de Gelder

In Januari verscheen er een interessant artikel geschreven door Cees de Gelder in het Interior Business Magazine. Diegenen die vaker zijn columns lezen, weten dat de klimaatproblematiek en alles wat daar mee samenhangt zijn aandacht heeft. Dat hij dan op een...