CBS: The Netherlands score on five of the SDGs:

CBS: The Netherlands score on five of the SDGs:

The Netherlands score well on five sustainable development goals (SDGs) compared to the other member states of the European Union. In four areas, however, the Netherlands is in the lower regions of Europe. This is the conclusion of the Central Bureau of Statistics in...
Welke kansen bieden de SDGs aan het bedrijfsleven?

Welke kansen bieden de SDGs aan het bedrijfsleven?

De Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) zijn het kompas naar een duurzamere wereld in 2030. De zeventien doelen moeten onder andere armoede, ongelijkheid en klimaatverandering tegengaan en onderwijs, duurzame steden en schone energie stimuleren. IBI² vindt deze doelen...
Welke kansen bieden de SDGs aan het bedrijfsleven?

What opportunities do the SDGs offer businesses?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the compass to a more sustainable world in 2030. The seventeen goals must, among other things, combat poverty, inequality and climate change and stimulate education, sustainable cities and clean energy. IBI² also finds...


The world of sustainability is more than just the energy transition. Currently, an enormous acceleration is taking place and for many people it is becoming an unclear story. We try to communicate the termonologies clearly with our team and use them where necessary....